Code Health C3 Podcast Patrick Porter 01

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In this episode of the C3 podcast, Dr. Lisa Piper and Wendy Cohn-Osborne, founders of CODE Health, welcome Dr. Patrick Porter, the inventor of BrainTap, a revolutionary brain optimization device. Dr. Porter shares his journey into neuroscience and brain optimization, which is what led him to create BrainTap. He emphasizes the importance of reducing stress as it prevents people from properly absorbing nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Porter discusses the unique benefits of the BrainTap technology which consists of light frequencies, auriculotherapy, beats and tones, guided visualizations, and music to train the brain to function more efficiently. He explains that BrainTap’s success lies in its ability to measure and influence brain activity, unlike traditional meditation practices. He also highlights the significance of maintaining an “Awakened Mind” and the role of external factors, such as thoughts, people, and food, because these things influence brain function. Tune in to learn more about BrainTap.

BrainTap Technology and Benefits

Dr. Porter delves into the science and benefits of BrainTap, a technology that uses multiple methods to improve brain function and reduce stress and anxiety. He explains that the brain responds to different frequencies of light, which can promote relaxation and focus. He also mentions that a single use of BrainTap can lower the sympathetic drive by over 30%, activating the parasympathetic system and promoting healing.

Brain Training Tool and Benefits

Dr. Lisa and Dr. Porter discuss the effects and benefits of the brain training tool he developed. He explains that the tool, which can be used at home, helps individuals regulate their energy levels and improve their capacity. Dr. Porter shares that consistent use of the tool for 30 days can lead to a sustainable shift in an individual’s daily pattern. Wendy expresses her appreciation for the variety of sessions available and asks about a specific experience she had with the tool. Patrick clarifies that the tool’s design includes affirmations and questions to engage the brain and promote the manifestation of desired outcomes.

BrainTap Device and Future Upgrades

Dr. Porter explains the benefits of using the BrainTap device, which combines ancient shamanic techniques with modern technology to balance brain activity. He mentions that the device can help with a variety of issues, from colic in babies to dementia in the elderly, and is particularly beneficial for children struggling with focus and concentration. Wendy and Dr. Lisa discuss the potential of the device for improving sleep and managing concussions. Dr. Porter also shares his plans for future upgrades, including a sleep mask prototype and a helmet with a built-in BrainTap for sports-related injuries.

Healthy Eating, Meditation, and Las Vegas Event

Dr. Porter shares advice he gave to his grandmother on healthy eating and its impact on well-being, emphasizing the importance of attitude and the need for supplements due to the lack of essential nutrients in today’s food system. The team also discusses the importance of daily meditation and stress-reducing practices, with Wendy expressing gratitude for the BrainTap tool. Finally, they talk about an upcoming event in Las Vegas featuring 43 speakers.

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