Code Health Podcast Lincoln Jesser 01

Listen to this podcast: C3 Podcast

In this episode of the C3 podcast, Dr. Lisa Piper and Wendy Cohn-Osborne, founders of CODE Health, welcome Lincoln Jesser, a producer, sound healer, and creator of Healing House. Lincoln, a musician and sound healer, discusses his innovative approach to music and spiritual practices, combining Pranayama breathwork, mantra, and Solfeggio frequency healing into what he considers a unique form of house music. He emphasizes his commitment to honoring and learning from ancient and indigenous cultures worldwide. Lincoln speaks about the power of music as a force for healing and connection, highlighting the importance of building a supportive community. Lincoln not only creates and shares his music with his community, but his unique approach educates his followers about frequencies and other scientific aspects. Listen in to learn more about the Healing House.

Exploring Sound Healing with Lincoln

Lincoln shares his journey of discovering the healing power of sound through mindfulness and meditation practices. He talks about his mentor, Jonathan Goldman, and the unique vibrational frequencies that can profoundly affect individuals. This interdisciplinary field connects with various cultures and traditions. Wendy shares her own positive experience with Lincoln’s sound healing and expresses her desire to learn more.

Lincoln’s Path to Sound Healing

Wendy admires Lincoln’s significant work in sound healing. Lincoln shares his path, highlighting his interest in spirituality, religion, and helping others, which, combined with his passion for music, leads him to this vocation. He describes his music industry career as having its ups and downs, often questioning its conventional aspects that glorify the ego. A traumatic relationship and an existential crisis prompt him to reconsider his path in music.

Mantra Integration in Lincoln’s Music

Lincoln describes how he uses mantra and sound vibrations to connect with his inner self and overcome mental health struggles. He finds healing through practices like humming, meditation, and shamanic rituals, which he now incorporates into his music. Dr. Lisa, a Kundalini Yoga teacher, appreciates Lincoln’s approach and discusses the power of mantra and sound vibrations in accessing deeper states of consciousness. They also talk about how Lincoln chooses which mantras to include in his music, highlighting his openness to guidance from the universe.

Healing and Community Building through Music

Lincoln speaks about the power of music as a force for healing and connection, emphasizing the importance of building a supportive community. Dr. Lisa and Wendy commend Lincoln for not only sharing his music but also educating his followers about frequencies and other scientific aspects. They announce their plan to create a dance video for Lincoln. Dr. Lisa points out the potential downside of healing music, which may trigger deep-seated trauma in some individuals, leading to criticism and setbacks. Lincoln acknowledges this and emphasizes his commitment to creating a safe and supportive space for his community.

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